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I'm not a quitter !

Today I want to be, I'm talking about smoking. Since my early twenties smoking has been a sporadic habit, now 36 it's just a stupid habit.

I've taken so many steps in controlling my own health and this use to be my excuse for smoking:

"Well at least I control this drug" - What an idiot thing to say... This was my counter argument to the amount of prescription medication the doctors prescribed me.

I wasn't taking responsibility for my health because it sure wasn't my fault, when you're born with a condition it's just the cards you are dealt. True!

That doesn't change the fact that it is your responsibility for what you do about it, also true!

Since starting with doTERRA I've learnt so much more about the human body, more importantly my experiences of using prescription medication as a long term solution and in a short 12 months the difference pure & natural products can do for the body.

So instead of going back to the doctor and being prescribed patches, gum, inhalers, champix (this just made me an angry horrible person) I turned to my oils once again.

Before I get onto the oils I'm using, I found this article when looking for a picture of champix; an article about a mother who'd be prescribed champix to curb her 5 a day habit and developed epilepsy. Now I'm not saying it's 100% accurate but there are side effects to every synthetic drug, most are fine in the short term but it just highlights the potential risks and why there is a huge instructions sheet in every packed of prescription medication.

So I'm using:


- Restores Mental Energy

- Apply topically to help with inflammation and muscle spasms

- Clears negative thought patterns that block changes

How to use:

Aromatically - Diffuse 3-4 drops to increase focus and relieve stress

Internally - dip a cocktail stick in the oil and stir in your favourite recipes to enhance the favour.

Topically - Add 2 drops to fractionated oil to create a relaxing massage oil. Rub on temples, wrists, pulse points. Add a few drops to shampoo, body wash, etc.


- Used for alleviating all types of stress and addictions

- Regulates appetite

- Strong anti-depressant

- Calming & Uplifting

- Helps with Anxiety and feelings of sadness

How to use

Aromatically - Diffuse 3-4 drops to relieve stress and gain a sense of inner peace. Rub a few drops into the palms and wrists, cup hands taking 3-5 deep breathes to increase the effects.

Internally - Add a drop to water or tea for feelings of confidence, serenity and release of tension within the body.

Topically - Add 2 drops to fractionated oil to create a relaxing massage oil. Rub on temples, wrists, pulse points. Add a few drops to shampoo, body wash, etc.

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