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I'm not a quitter !

Today I want to be, I'm talking about smoking. Since my early twenties smoking has been a sporadic habit, now 36 it's just a stupid...

Home Testing

Wow time flies when you're busy and boy have I been busy. In the best kind of ways too, there is something to be said about being your...

A helping hand

It can be isolating when we're going through difficult times, and it feels like we are the only one. When ever I come across someone who...

Missing you so much

It has been a harrowing 24 hours, I received a phone call yesterday that no parent or pet owner wants. Grief is something we all deal...

Car and Laptop Diffuser

I've been looking at different ways of diffusing my doTerra essential oils on the go, in the car and while working away with my laptop....

Helping Others

I love helping people, with the essential oils it's more satisfying than I could have ever imagined. I'm finding that people are coming...

Imagine This...

You wake with a sharp pain in your lower back, without a second thought you go to swing your legs out of bed but they won't move...

Back on sticks...

Today has been tough, I've had to use both walking sticks to get about in the house. I use my sticks and other aids as little as...

Kids with the sniffles

Like most children ours come home from school/college with sniffles and such. Our eldest daughter had a head cold, so I'd been to Lidl...


"absolutely necessary; extremely important" - Dictionary definition for Essential. For me these are essential, a blend of: Peppermint...

1st Degree Honours

During my degree I started using therapy grade essential oils, for many different purposes; pain, sleep, calm nervous, to mention a few...

Welcome to the team

It's been an eventful week with all that's going on, I've been using a new blend of Oregano, Peppermint and Deep Blue in a small spray...

Restful Sleep

Having fun with friends. My 'cous' is somewhat of a sceptical guy, so when his wife and son had several good nights sleep, he wanted to...

Helping Hands

We had the pleasure of two wonderful people over for the weekend, decorating the house for Christmas, exchanging of presents and a...


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