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Helping Others

I love helping people, with the essential oils it's more satisfying than I could have ever imagined. I'm finding that people are coming back to me to tell me about their fantastic experience, I've been in other businesses marketing different products and I've never had this reaction before.

This tells me our products are awesome, it gives me so much joy to hear about how the oils are giving people unprecedented results.

There is an opportunity to become an advocate for doTerra to share the oils and generate a fantastic income, it's a breath of fresh air to have people welcome the presentation of our business model. In the past it was a drag chasing people who had enquired about my previous businesses.

It's hard to put how excited I am into words, so I'm going to start doing videos and I'll get the confidence to do Facebook lives.

Thank you everyone who has shared their experiences, I'm so very grateful.

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