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Pain, oh the possibilities

Where there is pain there is potential for growth.

Through extensive sessions with specialist surgeons, physio therapists and psychologists the options were few. The only way forward has been trial and error. So through years of this approach towards my health, following the best (genuine) advice and guidance, this habit of not fearing what might happen, but being continually curious has been developing. We must fail to succeed, not normally how we approach life changing health decisions.

Through my own research on natural solutions, Copaiba came up many times, I watched several video testimonials of people all over the world using this essential oil for; Fibromyalgia, Plantar Fasciatis and many other issues.

Yesterday was a productive yet painful day, a day filled with intensifying pain. Starting in my knees as a sharp stabbing pain, to pins, needles & cramp in my shins, calfs and feet.

I'm going for an update Xray on both knees, the advice was to see how they cope with the new hips, I'd rather not have more surgery.

I used DeepBlue rub & Oregano on my knees and a blend of DeepBlue, WinterGreen, Lavender & Peppermint for the cramps.

This took the edge off for a few hours but I've not found the best oil for me to help deal with this situation. Yet! But this is definitely a great start and I'll update once I've used the Copaiba.

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