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Home Testing

Wow time flies when you're busy and boy have I been busy. In the best kind of ways too, there is something to be said about being your own boss and getting stuck in with things. For instance it's 5:30am (UTC) and I've been up for over an hour, gently ticking away with my businesses.

A great mentor of mine said "Focus on the action and the results will come"

As a result of being busy though something always gets neglected and this time it's been my blog, I've got plenty of posts started and in development for the future, this will compound as they're completed. Because lets face it when we start out in business there isn't a booming line of clients waiting and fully trained staff right out the box, it's got to be built, brick by brick. So it's about not just being efficient it's about being effective, I'd not build a readership for my blog if I concentrated on writing blogs and not sharing the value of my business.

Part of being busy is putting my oils through home testing, what you didn't think I sold oils did you! I use them and share my experience, that generally gets the "Oh do you have something for......." question.

The products work, but who am I? No credible Dr or Scientist, where is the proof? In the pudding as my grandma would say, it's in trying for yourself. Let the product do the talking, you shouldn't have to sell anything. This should be the ethos for every business.

So my personal testing, why else is it important?

Well I like millions suffer with health challenges and who knows those challenges better than the people I love and care about. They've seen me through all the struggles and dark times, so if I'm bouncing around like Tiger for a day they are very happy for me.

If I'm still bouncing the next day they are curious, without the boring medical bs. I don't do anything without causing a flare up in my pain, simple things too, getting a cup out of the cupboard, putting on my socks, etc. So when I say bouncing and Tiger, I'm talking figuratively. If I only walk with one stick, my family are happy because that's a GREAT day for me.

By day 3 they aren't taking notice just because they love me, they may be thinking of another loved one that is suffering.

As this goes on their thoughts will eventually turn to what they tolerate in their daily life.

See this is why I test the oils and you may be thinking well that's ok for you Chris. My health challenges aren't physically visible.

That is where people start to go wrong. It's not about how visual your health challenges are that people notice. It's how you communicate because of how you feel, we're emotional beings, it's why we cry at made up stories (Hollywood) and feel deep seated pain when a tragedy happens locally to us. This is the power of what we hold, HAPPINESS in a bottle.

Not a magic bullet, not a one fits all cure.

A community of educated individuals who came together to get an alternative solution and learnt how true the statement "Prevention is better than a cure" really is.

That stance and attitude doesn't come from an oil salesman or a desperate business builder. Your attitude dictates your altitude and I LOVE to help people. I'd do just about anything for nearly anyone.

You don't have to be that kind of person, you may just want something for yourself and your family and that's fantastic.

This is why we provide FREE samples, training class and continued customer support, because why wouldn't we?

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