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What a difference 12 months can make

This popped up on Facebook from early November 2017 4am, it's made me so grateful in my journey for peace and happiness. My advice to anyone would be never settle for less that what you truly want in life.

I never understood why people put what they were doing on Facebook that seemed to have little significance or reason.

"Taking the dog for a walk" "Gonna have toast and jam"

Some people air their laundry and use it as a weapon only to regret what they wrote in the heat of the moment, to have it scare them for a long time.

I would like to share why I believe we use Facebook in the way that we do and maybe answer the seemingly insignificant and reason-less.

People lead busy lives and what really matters is the people around us, we seek acceptance, forgiveness, respect, etc. But what matters most is to know we mean something, to be loved and cherished by others.

I believe we use Facebook in the way we do because at that moment we post it's because we needed someone to fulfil a need in ourselves. The need to be noticed, heard, accepted, protected and loved. We live in a world were work doesn't start at 09:00, the week doesn't start on Monday, the year on 1st January. A push button world were we don't have time for things because we've been so use to instant light, money, internet, etc.

Why do I believe this? Because my life hasn't been "normal" for many years yet I'm grateful for what I have, I've inspired many people to seize today, I've rescued people when they needed and I've thought why this, why me, why now.

If you've ever had sleep deprivation, chronic pain, loved without return or lost someone without reason you'll have an idea of what I mean.

We all have needs that must be met and an idea of the life we want. Most will not pursue their dreams for many reasons.

All I needed 7 hours ago was sleep. I've learnt patience when I couldn't walk and strength when "painkillers" were just a name. Courage when my daughter's look at me with fear because they don't understand why daddy is ill again and I tell them don't worry it's getting better.

So next time your ready to post think, what do you need? If there isn't someone in your life to satisfy that need, why are you settling for that? Do you want to use Facebook to hurt someone or could you tell them how much you love them and how they may have upset you.

In the end, what is the pain (physical, mental or emotional) for if your not willing to pursue your ideas and dreams.

If I'm not giving up what excuses have you? Because I could use my genetic condition or injury from an accident to give up.

And that is what you can do when your mind wants to sleep but the physical pain won't let you and the emotional pain is so raw. Plus it'll take 7 hours to write a post like this on all the "painkillers" I'm on.

Sleep well, sweet dreams

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