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Imagine This...

You wake with a sharp pain in your lower back, without a second thought you go to swing your legs out of bed but they won't move properly, it's like they're 10 times heavier than when you fell asleep.

Determined you put more effort into moving them and the pain in your back spikes becoming unbearable, with both hands you lift and move each leg at a time. Now sat on the bed you push up with your hands to stand, the pain is excruciating, you have to stop and take a breath.

Not even 08:00 and you're already exhausted.

Imagine, not having help available.

I have friends who experience these situations on a regular basis and there are millions more across the plant who have similar difficulties, the morning can make or break the day for someone in chronic pain.

Maintaining a positive mental attitude is easier if you can start the day in that state of mind.

I'm lucky to have a fantastic support network around me and incredible facilities available to help with pain relief.

Sunday I called my mum about 10:30, saying something along the lines "Hi mum, please could someone pick me up? I can't drive today I would like to use your bath if possible." Mum: "Of course, I'll send your dad"

"Thank you, please could you set the bath running?"

I'm 36 years old but I can still call on my parents for help and support, this is not taken for granted and as I said earlier, I'm vert lucky. So I could have wrote the day off and not got out of bed when I couldn't move my legs, this is not a good thing by any stretch of the imagination but I've been learning to deal with my condition for the past 15+ years, so it wasn't alarming just extremely painful.

Chronic pain is part malfunction of the bodies nervous system and pain is our bodies way of telling us something is wrong. So we normally protect the area or limb until the pain fades then we slowly start to use the area/limb again, but if the pain doesn't fade?

For example if we didn't use our hand for days it would become stiff and ache, if we didn't use it for weeks the muscles would start to deteriorate. Eventually our hand would become painful and ache because it wasn't being used, the muscles would waste away.

This can happen to any area of the body, this is why it's important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. Even when in chronic pain, easier said than done in some circumstances I know.

"I use doTerra essential oils to help boost my daily routine, health, mood, digestion, energy, etc. The list goes on and on, it's become a very important part of my life."

So I had a soak in mum and dad's bath for a few hours with mum's diffuser going on the sink. Yep I love my mum and dad, so naturally I want the best for them too, so I introduced them to the oils.

The diffuser had 5 drops of Grapefruit, Rosemary & Lavender. (Info sheets at the bottom) Also added 5 drops in the bath water without anything else, no bubble bath, etc.

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