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Helping Hands

We had the pleasure of two wonderful people over for the weekend, decorating the house for Christmas, exchanging of presents and a fabulous Christmas dinner.

It was a splendid weekend and to top it off, we were able to offer the Essential oils to help with cramp, joint & nerve pain.

One of our friends suffer with cramp and joint pain in their wrist, this leads to 'arthritic' type pain in the knuckles, pins-n-needs and numb fingers.

2 Drops of Oregano in the palms, rubbed onto wrists, cupped hands with 5 deep breathes.

We were all stunned with the results, I'm sure our friend would agree, they were a little sceptical. The warming sensation from the oil eased the symptoms and decorating was, game, set and match!

Reading testimonials, watching videos and such will only inform you so far, why did I, like so many of us, trust only doctors words. Without question?

It sometimes takes a drastic turning point in our lives, careers, relationships, health, before we start doing our own research to find solutions.

Don't wait to do a little digging on the things you are tolerating, if you feel Essential oils could aid we're more than happy to discuss your FREE sample.

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