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Back on sticks...

Today has been tough, I've had to use both walking sticks to get about in the house. I use my sticks and other aids as little as possible.

Like most things in life we adapt to our surroundings and limitations, I've needed sticks, crutches, wheelchair and other aids for over 10 years and It's been a long journey to be able to not rely on them.

I've been using my oils today and they've helped tremendously, this blog is a message that the oils aren't the magic bullet some people would like them to be. It still takes effort and will power to change a lifestyle, especially one where dependency on prescription medication to function is concerned.

I've been using; Lavender (Relaxation, Inflammation, Bone Pain) Peppermint (Tension) Oregano (Topically for Warming Joints) Rosemary (Arthritis, Inflammation) DeepBlue (Muscle Pain, Joint Pain, Bone Pain)

There are many other things I've done over the years to aid in my health and well-being, here are some of the things that have become a habit. Things that work for me, you'll need to figure out what works best for you.

1. Purpose - Without purpose all the will in the world won't help, for me this is helping others and my passion for 3D.

2. Yoga - I love doing yoga and specifically DDP Yoga, I first came across Arthur's video several years ago when looking for inspiration for the team I coached.

3. Gratitude - It may have been due to the challenges I've faced but like Jay Shetty says "I've never seen a strong person with an easy past", I'm very grateful for many things in my life and tend to fall asleep listing them.

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